Govt abused parlt processes

Letters, Normal

The National, Thursday 08th December 2011

THIS government is one of the worse.
It has abused all the parliamentary processes, challenged the Constitution and even toyed with the people’s emotion by saying all the right things and passing bills that are not sustainable but counterproductive in the end.
Developed countries use this method known as political propaganda.
Our people are too ignorant to assess whether there is any merit in what the government is saying.
In my opinion, this is not a legitimate government.
Peter O’Neill was in the previous government, so how can he claim innocence over some of the decisions and policies?
Belden Namah is also responsible for the loss of timber royalties and taxes.
Some of the ministers do not have any conscience.
Sir Arnold Amet failed to see what was coming because of his pride and arrogance when he was in government.
He is now trying to make it up.

Avisat Prophet
Port Moresby