Govt continues to abuse process

Letters, Normal

THE reappointment of the governor-general shows that the government is desperate to appoint its own man. 
The process was abusive and undemocratic.
Sir Paulias Matane, as the head of state, fared poorly as there were countless controversial issues during his watch.
He failed to condemn a single issue and opted to play dumb.
About 90% of his time in office was spent on charity, fun run activities and commentating on law and order problems without offering measures.
He brought the office of the governor-general into disrepute and compromised his position.
I think he should repudiate his reappointment and allow the democratic process to follow to save face.
We are witnessing the demise of our democracy and fast slipping into a tyranny system of government. 
The government is using its numerical strength to pass bills and amendments to serve its own interests.
The people on the streets can clearly smell rot in the Haus Tambaran and are questioning the integrity of all government MPs and their cohorts.
It is time for the prime minister to step down alongside his sidekick, Jeffery Nape.


Kakipi Kora Monea