Group: Check projects well before signing

National, Normal

The National, Wednesday October 15th, 2014

 A LANDOWNER group in West New Britain has called on the National Forest Service to properly scrutinise projects before approving them.

Peter Arul, on behalf of the Asengseng landowners, said the NFS must scrutinise projects properly because two years ago, the project was stopped under force majeure conditions.

“But we are thankful that the company has returned for a second time,” he said.

He was speaking in Port Moresby during the execution of the Deed of Variation for the Asengseng project last week.

Force majeure is a term used to describe a situation when nature stops logging operations from continuing. It was applied in the Asengseng Consolidated Forest Management Area project when trees were dying naturally. 

Another landowner group Wawaoi-Guavi from Western was present to sign the review of the timber rights purchase project on their land.

NFS managing director Kanawi Pouru told the landowners that the success of the projects depended on them.

“The successes of these projects are in your hands,” he said. 

“If you don’t come forward with land, you might realise only one-third or half or three-quarters of infrastructure, services stated in the project agreements delivered.”

Pouru commended the landowners, provincial governments and the Rimbunan Hijau Group of Companies for reaching an understanding to enable the projects to go ahead. 

The project review for the Asengseng FMA project began in 2010.

The timber permit for Wawoi-Guavi expired in 2011/2012 and was extended last year.