Guests happy to see many youths at church event

Kerenga Kua

THE presence of many young people at the opening of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG (ELCPNG) 33rd synod has been singled out as a highlight of the event.
The event was opened at the Sir John Guise Stadium by the Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae.
Sinasina-Yongomugl MP Kerenga Kua, one of the government dignitaries who attended the opening, was impressed by the many young people who were there.
“I am happy to see young people attending this event (which) can (help them) change their ways and become good citizens,” he said.
“I hope and believe whatever that they hear from here will abide (with them) as they live their lives.
“We all want change.”
He thanked the ELCPNG for staging this event and urged other denominations to stage events which will attract many young people.
“So again, credit goes to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea,” Kua said.
Church committee secretary Adam Wangu praised the support of members of the congregation.
“We had planned for this since June and with the opening programme running smoothly, we believe the one week will also be good,” he said.
“We commit that back to our good Lord for his leadership and guidance, blessings and protection upon the people who will be here.”
He also thanked the young men who organisers used as security and guides.
“They really did a good job,” Wangu said.
He said holding such a big event required the involvement of young people as it could be a life-changer for them.