Hardware company donates thermal camera for airport


A NEW thermal camera that can detect temperatures of people at a distance to enable a smoother travel experience is to be installed at the Jackson domestic airport, according to National Airports Corporation (NAC).
NAC acting managing director and chief executive officer Ephraim Wasem received the donated camera from Leon Hardware last week.
“We appreciate this donation at these trying times as this will support our work in a big way as we work collectively with everyone to create a safer airport community,” Wasem said.
“This camera will be installed and used as soon as possible at the Jackson domestic terminal.”
Currently, airport security use a small thermal devise to check passenger temperatures when they enter the terminal.
Leon Hardware human resources manager Shirley Pugali, who presented the K64,900 worth camera to NAC, said the company was delighted with the donation.
“Apart from the small thermal guns, this camera can be installed at the terminal entry and will assist in detecting high temperatures of people,” Pugali said.