Healthcare for all essential service: Pope


POPE Francis has asked people to pray for the sick, especially those in the most difficult situations.
He made this known from hospital on Sunday just a week after undergoing intestinal surgery from which he is still recuperating at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital.

“May no one be left alone, may everyone receive the anointing of listening, closeness and care,” Pope Francis said.
From the balcony of a 10th floor window at Gemelli Hospital overlooking the crowds below, he appeared with children who were being cared for there and recalled the need for prayers and support for them.
In his brief address before leading the recitation of the Angelus prayer, he reflected on Sunday’s Gospel reading where we read that Jesus’ disciples went out and anointed with oil many who were sick and then healed them.
Pope Francis said the oil was in the sacrament of the anointing of the sick which he said “gives comfort to spirit and body”.

He said it was a balm for “listening, the closeness, the care, the tenderness of those who take care of the sick person,” easing the pain and helping them feel better.
He noted that we all will need this anointing some time in our lives, and we can all give it to someone else through simple gestures such as a visit, a call, a helping hand.
Pope Francis shared that during his time in the hospital he had experienced personally the importance of good health care. – Vatican News