Helping those living with HIV


THE Health Department’s focus regarding the spread of HIV/AIDS is focused entirely on people not living with the virus, by my observation.
I think it will be much better to carry out awareness and educate people already living with the HIV/AIDs virus and currently on antiretroviral (ART).
The Health Department should join hands with the churches and focus on the people who are living with HIV and on ART drugs. They must educate these people to repent and be faithful with the ART drugs.
They must implement some new measure based on people living with the virus and how they should look after their life and not to continue spreading the virus.
Every year HIV kills 1000 people and according to the 2017 statistics report there are more than 48,000 people living with HIV/AIDS.
This is a clear picture that people living with the virus haven’t been counseled well and they don’t care about life after death.
So I appeal to both groups to work together to provide more encouragement and spiritual teaching to people already living with the virus.
So let’s switch our focus by giving more health encouragement and spiritual teaching to the people already living with the virus.
When their mindsets change the statistical reports tally will either decline or be maintained at the same level.

Winus Komba
Concern citizen