Ialibu is perfect for new university

Letters, Normal

The National, Thursday September 11th, 2014

 I WOULD like to make it clear that Western Pacific University is not a waste of resources but it is the timely development needed to assist the growing number of secondary graduates.

Just look around PNG and compare the growing number of population with less than six universities and a few colleges.

What the government should do is give more funds to the established universities and colleges.

It is everyone’s right to be educated and there should not be any obstacles preventing them to further their career.

I do not mind where this institution is built but at least we have another government-owned institution where the public can access it at an affordable cost.

Geographically speaking, Ialibu is the perfect spot because it lies between WHP, Enga, SHP and Hela.

According to many reports I get, Ialibu is peace loving and there is no record of any trouble.

Also the environment is conducive and good for tourist attraction.

Hilai Tom
