Improve education services in Morobe


I REFER to the letter on Tuesday in The National by Mangi Wandike ‘Check queue in front of province’s headquarter’.
We, the board of management members from schools in rural Morobe have faced this so many times.
When we get a written approval from the district education we travel to the provincial education office for the second approval to be signed.
The first queue is at the district office, the second queue at the provincial government’s gate and the third is inside the education office.
After the instrument is signed, we rush down to Bank South Pacific just to join another queue at the bank.
After we are allowed in, we stand in another queue with all our documents and withdrawal forms handed over to the tellers who normally bombard us with lots of questions.
It costs us money for transport and to pay rent if we stay overnight when its late.
Can we have BSP agents in each district so we can withdraw cash less than K5,000 instead of us coming to Lae city all the time?
We have already allocated land for BSP here in Mutzing, Markham.
Can we have the provincial education allocate more power to the district education as the government doesn’t pay much into school accounts like before?
Can the provincial government relocate our Tutumang Haus somewhere at the old airport to give space for the smooth running of provincial administration?

Joseph Busil
BoM chairman, Mutzing Station
Elementary School