Increase number of army personnel


PAPUA New Guinea is the biggest island country in the Pacific yet the number of its Defence Force is very shallow and still not enough.
Can the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) look into strategies in conducting its recruitment to give chances to other provinces as well to recruit more officers in the army.
It is very unfair when the recruitment is conducted only at the PNGDF headquarter in the capital city.
What about those of us who are interested with good education qualifications but can’t afford to go to the city in order to apply?
Hence, the Government should invest more into the PNGDF in terms of equipment to conducting it’s recruitments around the country.
Time is running out and situations are getting tougher and tougher in the world today.
Stop wasting precious time and resources and build up PNGDF’s standard in terms of equipment and number of officers.
The Government and PNGDF should address this matter before it’s too late in this chaotic century.
If PNGDF is clear enough, it would look into other countries such as USA, Indonesia, Australia and China on how they conduct their recruitments and follow that concept.
Rather, let the Australian Defence Force conduct our country’s defence recruitments because it will be fair and honest and PNGDF can focus on other issues and tasks.

Ana Trust-Kims Kambru,

Sort ex-servicemen’s entitlement quickly

YEAR in year out, successive governments and Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) commanders have failed the ex-servicemen.
These ex-servicemen have been waiting for over 20 years or so for their entitlements to be settled and necessary arrangements by the PNGDF to repatriate them and their families to their home province.
The Government and PNGDF should understand that these ex-servicemen served their country with pride and honour.
For you to turn a blind eye on their plight just shows you lost touch with reality and humanity.
Their children’s education has been compromised and everyday it’s a struggle trying to meet their daily needs. They are suffering silently.
While waiting, more ex-servicemen have passed on and their widows have also passed on and the children and the grand children are still waiting.
It makes me wonder, whether the Government and PNGDF does care about the ex-servicemen who have sacrificed to serve them with respect and dignity.
If the honourable Prime Minister James Marape and his government are serious about ‘Take back PNG’ then please hear the plight of these ex-servicemen.
Settle their entitlements and send them to their home provinces with dignity.
They deserve better.

Concerned Citizen,