Industrial projects to create employement

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TWO multi-billion kina industrial parks for large-scale projects to be built in West Sepik will eventually “wipe out” unemployment in the province, Governor Amkat Mai says.
The parks will be in Vanimo and Green River.
“The one at Vanimo is to build a cement and steel factory,” he said.
“The other will be in Green River, which will downstream sago, tapioca, timber, freshwater fish, cocoa, oil palm, rubber, all those natural resources will be manufactured.
“It’s going to be a multi-billion kina project. Job opportunities for locals will be between 2000-3000.”
The agreement on the parks was signed by Treasurer and Aitape Lumi MP Patrick Pruaitch with investors from Shenzhen, China, yesterday.
Shenzhen Vivafounders Investment chairman Li Mu said the Vanimo Industrial Park would be developed in phases at an estimated cost of US$3.8 billion (K11.9 billion).
“It will create thousands of jobs and eventually will have annual output valued at US$3.1 billion (K9.84bn).
“Benefits that will flow to local communities will include improved transport links, power supply and creation of thousands of jobs.”
Pruaitch described the signing ceremony as “a momentous occasion” based on the bold concept of Vivafounders to build PNG’s first mega industrial park.
Describing the industrial park as a “nation transforming project”, Pruaitch said the Government would work closely with the Chinese government to facilitate development.
Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) president Zhang Mengxing, another key partner in the framework agreement, said MCC had been closely involved in the transformation of Shenzhen from a fishing village four decades ago into China’s third largest city with a population of almost 20 million people living there.