Information is important


MEDIA coverage or reporting in the country is not up to what countries around the world are capable of doing.
Information is a very important tool that people need access to during such a time like this.
Whether it be in the country or otherwise.
At this point of technological advancement, ordinary people are prone to have access to information on a large scale.
The latest news and progress made on coronavirus pandemic can be accessed by the press of a button on smartphones etc.
These information than could be posted on social media.
Any other information or news material can be posted as well, that is happening in the country.
During this pandemic, the Government must bear with it.
Likewise news reporting in the country has to be freely reported for the sake of humanity and freedom of press.


One thought on “Information is important

  • Can the Government order all radio stations across the board to broadcast every hour on the hour the importance about its SOE directives please.
    Many people across the nation cannot adhere to the directives due to lack of information coming through the media.

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