Innovation forum coincides with project


THE country’s first innovation conference to be held in Port Moresby on Nov 8 will coincide with the Coral Sea Cable project, an official says.
Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry (POMCCI) president Rio Fiocco said yesterday that the Coral Sea Cable coming from Sydney, Australia connecting Honiara, Solomon Islands and Port Moresby was a high-speed fibre-optic cable that would be a game-changer for businesses in the country.
The conference is jointly organised by Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce (POMCCI) and Business Advantage International (BAI).
“The intention is for businesses and entrepreneurs to come along to the conference and find out what is going to happen and how they can take advantages of the changes in the fast internet connections,” he said. “We will be also showcasing some of Papua New Guinea’s young and smartest entrepreneurs and what they are doing in the technology space.”
Business Advantage publishing director Andrew Wilkins said it would be an enormous opportunity for PNG businesses, government and education institutions.
“We want to celebrate innovation so while technology will be at the forefront, we want to invite people to celebrate innovations of all kinds.
“We want people to share their innovation with us. Whether they are working in a small business or a division of a larger business or organisation.”
Wilkins said they wanted to create an event that was not only for senior executives but also for their management teams as well new graduates.
Bank South Pacific (BSP) was the first sponsor of the event presenting a cheque of K30,000 to the organisers yesterday in Port Moresby.
BSP digital general manager Nuni Kulu said they were proud to sponsor the event.
Fiocco and Wilkins thanked BSP for coming on board as the major sponsor.
Meanwhile, entries opened yesterday for the inaugural Innovation PNG Awards, created to celebrate and encourage innovation in Papua New Guinea business, government and organisations.
“To enter the awards, businesses and other organisations including government will be asked to show how they have solved a particular problem or challenge with some form of innovation.”
Wilkins said entries would close at 5pm on Oct 25.