Oil Search supports festival


OIL Search Ltd donated fuel and materials worth over K15,000 to the annual Kutubu Kundu and Digaso Festival in Daga village near Lake Kutubu, Southern Highlands.
The company rations, diesel and gasoline and waste collection material to help stage the event, which started yesterday and ends tomorrow.
The event’s theme “Strongim na Wok Bung Wantaim” encourages communities to work together.
The festival provides visiting locals and international tourists alike a rare insight into the rich and diverse culture of the Kutubu people, including the importance of the Kutubu kundu (drum) and the Digaso oil trade.
Apart from an amazing display of traditional regalia, cultural practices and unique art and craft from the Bosavi, Kutubu, Kikori (Gulf), Hela, and Magarima regions, visitors would also be given the opportunity to visit theKutubu human skull cave, local orchid farms and participate in activities such as bird watching, canoeing, bush trekking, swimming and diving.
The aim of the festival is to educating local communities on the importance of protecting and preserving the environment and their culture.