Institute plans for Goroka branch


THE Tari Hope Institute in Hela is to have a branch in Goroka.
The undertaking was made last week during Prime Minister James Marape’s visit to Kabiufa in Goroka, when he was visiting political rallies.
Businessman and independent candidate Albert Wamiri invited Marape to Kabiufa, where he spent his upper secondary schooling years, and, in an unplanned move, surprised him with land to build the school.
A pleasantly surprised Marape said it was the first time any local had “honoured” him with a piece of land and, as such, he was going to give it back to the Kabiufa community, the Kabiufa Hope Institute backdrop where a technical college-type setting would take shape.
Amy Wamiri, the late Sir Akapite Wamiri’s widow, said it was only fitting that Marape be given land as he was a “true son of Goroka”.
Ousted MP Henry Ame said for such a gesture, it was not a mistake as the surrounding community and country would benefit from the college as well.
The Hela set-up, Marape’s brainchild, is a well set-up, self-sustaining institute that offers courses free.
Hope Insititue (Hela) chief executive officer Henry Rabuka said there was a huge challenge for more technical schools as practical life skills lessons lacked in all aspects of education.
“Most of the students after completing their upgrades here don’t know where else to go,” he said.
“This is a place to pass time as they want to be in the formal school system.
“Since this is Marape’s baby, we want to see that the ‘leave no children behind’ slogan gets promoted.”


  • I don’t believe in PMJM solagon ” leave no children behind”. He already caused the burden to parents about tuition fees and the students life time in repaying Help loan.

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