Invest in agriculture


MORE than 80 per cent of Papua New Guineans practice subsistence farming.
As a result, people are highly dependent on forests and rivers for their food security and to meet basic needs.
Garden farms also produce a variety of other crops, including spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, broad beans, cucumbers and sugar cane.
Yam, taro, banana and sweet potato are the main crops grown in the country.
However, the biggest challenge is accessing markets.
The Government has a lot to do in ensuring that people do benefit from agriculture.
Enough talking.
Let’s get down to business.
They say improvements in agriculture reduce poverty.
Agriculture is the backbone of many countries.

Mama Didimeri

One thought on “Invest in agriculture

  • Good on you Mama Didimeri!!. Yes ….”ENOUGH TALKING AND LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS”. Action speaks louder than words. The Government should seriously revisit the SUBSISTENCE AGRICULTURE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (SAIP) to improve and expand farming at the family/household level in the country. We need to grow and export organic vegetable and crops to reduce poverty and boost the human immune system to combat the pandemic.

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