Invest in sports


I ACKNOWLEDGE the individuals who gave their time, efforts and most importantly, resources and connections to develop the Mt Wilhelm Rugby Football League initiative in Chimbu.
By far, this is one of the best developments that the authorities often undermine and focus on other development agendas that mostly suit their own interests.
For development to reach the unreached, there needs to be some sense of order in communities without violence.
Sports paves a way for healthy and safe communities.
It provides a way for socio-economic benefits.
As the saying goes: ‘Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
The Government can spend millions to address law and order issues, but violence is rooted in most of our cultures.
It will not be easily eradicated.
Try spending millions in developing local sporting programmes and you’d be amazed how the level of violence drops.
This will surely change the mindset of the younger generation.
The huge challenge is now with the respective sporting clubs to venture into opportunities to generate financial support to facilitate their existence and continuity in the game
Once again, congratulations Mt Wilhelm Rugby Football League.

Mel Yapi,
Wara Simnu