Investigate divisions at Education Department


SOMETHING is not right in a certain division of the Education Department which has been going on for some years.
A family member has been working with the division for some time now and discovered that on several occasions, a fellow worker wasn’t able to attend workshops due to personal reasons but cheques were still processed under the person’s name and cashed by staff from the division.
Word got around that this has been the culture and a norm for senior staff to cash cheques that were not received by the person they’re written to.
There are some stories that big deals are done by senior officers regarding text books, printing and other areas.
There should be an investigation into all divisions of the department by independent entities to weed out such practices.
This is an embarrassment to the people who educate the masses of this country.

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One thought on “Investigate divisions at Education Department

  • weed out such officers. its frustrating to read this article… no wonder the Education Dept does not pay the teachers and some teachers are without pay for a long period of time

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