It is important to maintain political stability

Letters, Normal

The National – Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I refer to the letter by “Silent Tongo” (The National, Dec 22) of Hidden Valley.
Whilst I respect the writer’s views and opinions, I fail to see how Sir Puka Temu, Belden Namah and Charles Abel can be considered as “true leaders” when they deserted their responsibilities to the people of PNG as ministers to join a very weak opposition and remain “handicapped” for the rest of this term of parliament.
If there was a problem in effective delivery of services, it would have been better for them to remain in government and do something constructive.
They were senior members of the government and were in a position to influence decisions, propose changes and provide direction to better serve the people.
Instead, they chose to move for reasons only known to them.
Except for a few MPs, the rest of our parliamentary leaders operate on one main principle – align with the government and amass resources for the electorate (as well as their own pockets).
That is the simple truth about many of our MPs and I strongly suspect the trio may have fallen out of favour with the NEC, hence their walkout from government.
Don Polye may have fallen out of favour with the now suspended PM but I don’t see him walking out.
In fact, he is determined to get on with the business of doing whatever is within his power to serve the people and PNG.
Yes, he has publicly made known his disappointment, but obviously he has remained true to the position he has maintained all along, that is, maintaining political stability to attract investors.
Polye has put the welfare of the nation and its people ahead of any other interest.
That to me is a true leader.

Port Moresby