Jiwaka farmers complete financial literacy course


MORE than 600 farmers registered under the Jiwaka Organic Food Farmers Cooperative Society (Joffcs), an affiliate and beneficiary of the Market for village farmers (MVF) project, graduated with certificates in financial literacy in Minj recently.
The graduation was witnessed by guests from the International Fund for Agriculture Development (Ifad), Fresh Produce Development Agency (FPDA), Planning and Monitoring Department, Agriculture and Livestock Department and the MVF project management unit.
The Centre for Excellence in Financial Inclusive (Cefi), a financial literacy training component under the Bank of PNG Bank of PNG, conducted the training for the farmers.
Cefi sub-project coordinator Sebastian Mugup said the training was recognised and was a requirement for farmers to enable them to be able to get bank loans and manage their finances.
Mugup said Cefi worked with community-based organisations, non-government organisations and partners to conduct financial literacy trainings.
He said similar trainings would be conducted for thousands of farming households and beneficiaries of MVF projects.
Joffcs lead farmer Agnes Merep asked for more support from relevant agencies such as FPDA, MVF, Ifad and the Government.
Ifad team leader and country director Ivan Cossio Cortez assured the farmers that help would be channelled through the MVF project but they needed to be committed and work hard to receive the support.