Journalist admitted to the bar as lawyer


MINISTER for Information and Communications Technology Timothy Masiu has congratulated senior journalist Maivo Lafanama on being admitted to the bar of the National and Supreme Courts of Papua New Guinea.
Minister Masiu said Lafanama’s persistence to attain a university degree in law to add to his journalism degree is very commendable, and should encourage other National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) staff to do the same.
“I know with Maivo’s increased knowledge and awareness of the law, he will guide his fellow journalists in their daily reporting,” he said.
“I also encourage other content creators in news, national radio and television to go for further studies in their specialist areas like political science, economics, climate change, engineering, and others.
“In this way, NBC’s news and other content reporting will be more in-depth and comprehensive, and would add further substance to our work,” Masiu said. He said this would also mean our people would be made better aware and educated.
Lafanama was sponsored by NBC and attained his degree in law at the University of Papua New Guinea before enrolling at the Legal Training Institute.
He was admitted to the bar last Friday by Judge Panuel Mogish.
He joins a growing list of staff who had been fully funded by NBC since 2017 to either complete their formal qualifications or upgrade them as part of it’s staff training programme.