Judiciary ready to deal with election petitions


CHIEF Justice Sir Salamo Injia says the judiciary is ready to deal with any election petition cases arising from the general election.
Sir Salamo said new election petition rules were published in the dailies for people’s information
“As it has been the case in the past, there will be increased (number) of election petitions this time around,” Sir Salamo said.
“As I have said before, we are building our capacity in terms of getting prepared to hear those petitions.”
The judiciary has replaced the 2002 election petition rules with a new one this year.
Training for the new election petition rules will be carried out on Thursday and Friday in Port Moresby for judiciary staff and judges.
National courts around the country, including the Supreme Court, will not be sitting this
week because all the judges are attending workshops in Port Moresby.
The workshop will continue today based on the information technology-based court information system that the judiciary has implemented.
“The provision of accurate, reliable and credible court information is necessary,” Sir Salamo said.