PM thanks election observers


PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has thanked the election observers for ensuring transparency during the 2017 general election.
O’Neill said the nation could start to reflect on the success of the democratic electoral process which would lead to the formation of a new government.
The Commonwealth Observer Group had noted that while there had been challenges, the election results should reflect the wishes of the people who participated in the elections.
“There will always be critics. There will always be people with vested interests” he said.
“But in June and July, our people have had their views heard.
“Democracy is a right of our people.
And over the past few months, we have all exercised that right as candidates have campaigned, people have listened to views from all sides, and then the voters cast their ballots.
“The process was not perfect, but you tell me a country where the process is perfect.
“You can look to elections in industrialised countries like the United States or Australia, to other countries around Asia, and there is no such thing as a perfect election.
“But we work hard to ensure the process is transparent and fair.