Justice Yagi signs oath for another 10-year term

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NATIONAL and Supreme Court Judge Justice Joseph Yagi signed his oath for another 10-year term yesterday.
Justice Yagi, whose 10-year term expires on Monday, was reappointed and sworn in by Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae.
The judicial and legal services commission appointed Yagi on June 24, 2008. He is currently the resident judge at Goroka.
“There are two judges in Goroka looking after the location and I am one of them,” Yagi said.
Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia congratulated Justice Yagi on his reappointment for a second term.
He said Yagi in his first term had done a lot of upgrading of court facilities and staff preparation.
“The judicial and legal services commission was satisfied with his performance in his first term as one of the good judges and we decided to reappoint him,” Sir Salamo said.
The Judicial and legal service is chaired by the Minister for Justice and its functions were vested in the commission under the Constitution by law.