Kapavore warns public servants


PUBLIC Service Minister Elias Kapavore has warned non-performing public servants that they will be “removed”.
He said a “data cleansing” would be conducted on all public servants around the country before the end of the year.
He was addressing a meeting between Public Service Secretary John Kali and senior public servants in Kokopo yesterday.
“Those public servants not performing and getting paid for doing nothing must be identified and removed,” he said.
“There will be one person to one position.
“Time-keeping and attendance by public servants must be improved.”
Kapavore said it would also be compulsory for all public servants to be registered in the National Identification (NID) system.
“We need to get rid of rotten eggs,” he said.
Kapavore congratulated Wilson Matava on his appointment as provincial administrator and said it indicated the quality of leadership in the province.
Kapavore said the PNG Institute of Public Administration training centres around the country must have its facilities improved to ensure public servants could further their studies.
He also said acting appointments would not extend beyond three months. Kali reminded public servants that services must be seen to be delivered.