Niningi wants officials to cut operational costs in district


IMBONGGU MP and Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology Pila Niningi wants his district administration to cut operational costs and save money for other areas like health and education.
Ningi said the cost-cutting would include reducing the use of hired vehicles and the amount of money spent on entertainment.
He said the cost of refreshments during special occasions sometimes went up to as high as K50,000 which was a total waste.
“Using a lot of vehicles and funding big feasts or refreshments will not be entertained anymore,” he said.
Niningi said fuel for vehicles and hiring vehicles cost a lot of money which could be spent on more needy and genuine areas.
“We cannot continue to spend as we have many areas to look at.
“In the past it was a total waste of funds on these areas which never bring back any benefits to the people.”
Niningi said since he was elected he even found out that there was no money left in the district account.
“Where was the money diverted to?  I have no idea and we need to change this and look at ways of saving money,” Niningi said.
“We will use this money to support health and education programmes or upgrade road networks in the electorate and look at other areas where people can benefit,” Niningi said.
“We need money to deliver and help implement policies and plans.”