Keep all technical jobs for locals only

Letters, Normal

The National,Thursday April 7th, 2016

I SUPPORT Goroka MP Bire Kimisopa’s view that only PNG citizens should be employed in the technical fields. 

We have to be racists enough to understand that this country is ours and we must insist that our people are given first priority in employment opportunities.

The MP’s view must not be taken lightly as we cannot go to China or Australia and seek employment in any technical field there. 

This is our country and we should not allow foreigners to dictate how we manage our affairs. 

Let’s stop these foreign bullies from dictating how we do things here.

We must come up with strategies that help create opportunities for our people in the technical fields and save the huge amount of money being spent through these foreign workers. 

I am not being racist but I am making a point here like the good MP.

It’s no wonder that the PNG economy is weak because we have no strategies to recover so much being paid out. 

Australia for instance, uses the “boomerang” concept. 

The so-called foreign aid they give to PNG always bounces back down under. 

The Aussies make sure what they give is always taken back. 

They employ their own companies and consultants so that what they give is never lost. 

At the end of the day, they end up winners. 

What about PNG? 

The assistance we give to other countries to assist in disaster relief and the millions paid to foreign consultants can never be recovered.

The Government must initiate and implement new policies and strategies that will safeguard the interests of our local workforce, especially in the technical fields.

Concerned Citizen

Lihir Island, NIP