Kramer explains loss

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POLICE Minister Bryan Kramer says the Royal PNG Constabulary is losing about K3 billion every year through corruption.
He told a police parade in Goroka on Saturday that the money lost was needed for new vehicles, uniforms, housing, children’s education and better police pay.
“All gone through corruption,” he told the policemen and women in Goroka
“There is no other agency to fight corruption apart from police.
“Under this Government, where I am the Minister for Police, we want to ensure you are given the resources and welfare you need.”
“At the (police) headquarters, they are stealing pension, money for new vehicle, housing, money for uniforms and the list goes on”.
“Therefore, we need to reform the police force, we are soon launching ‘police station of excellence’ in Port Moresby and will be rolling out to the provinces and Goroka is one of them.”
Kramer said they were reforming everything from the headquarters to the provinces.
He said 500 officers were at retirement age of 65 and would receive their entitlements on the day they retired.


  • Good on you Honorable Bryan Kramer, do a house keeping & check on those PC owning Land cruiser, operating trade stores, or any business that are suspicious, cause we in the mining Industries get 2 to 3 more than superintendent,however we don’t own car, how /where do they get those extra money to buy car while we don’t…..
    Lets go down to the deep root causes of corruption across the nation…

  • Job well done honorable minister for police, more of these to be done in all government departments

  • Thanks to Police minister for identifying the faults and the question to ask is,” do you have solution in place to rectify the faults”. As far as I’m concern, I could see that there is already a perforation line of division within and among ranks and files within RPNGC.A
    Also there is discipline problem , meaning there is weakness in it.
    Besides Department has reached official structured shielding in appointing its officers to its position. Despite all being field, promotion s are still continuing without DPM”s approval. This applies to all ranks and files.

  • Use some of those saved money to properly trained the new recruits. Give the high content of policing knowledge, skills and attitudes and values. Research in the department should be encouraged so that our police force matched the rest of the world policing standards. Increase number of years in training.

  • i love Kramer. Thankful he is with the Government. He fought hard against corruption and sitll going. May the Good Lord Bless and Guide him.

  • Police have lost trust, the very people that they are policing see police as untrustworthy. There must be megnism in place where police are seen as police and not painting negative picture of them. Minister, the move is way forward and deserves applauded. More is expected.

  • Honorable Kramer, kindly discipline them to live in the police barracks after OFF duty and do not give freedom to police officers to socialize with the public, the police officers of 1980;s are more well discipline than police officers of today.

  • Thank you Honorable Police Minster, Brian Kramer, well done and give the policemen the well discipline training. They are not qualified and untrained buns in the Police Force with bribery full in them. They even don’t know how to approach people and attend to them, are they trained to harash, punch, swear?? nogat pasin blong ol. They need tougher training i beg you please not even at the police station they attend to peoples problems, tok nogut tasol pulap lon maus blong ol.

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