Lae city council owes private rubbish collectors K2.4mil


LAE MP John Rosso says the City Council owes private rubbish collectors K2.4 million for past two years’ work.
Rosso said their services had to be suspended until he could find the money to pay them.
“Meanwhile, I am using six trucks and two council vehicles temporarily until we sort out the tender process that was advertised,” Rosso said.
“I am also discouraging people to work voluntarily unless they liaise with my office to ensure an amicable understanding is reached to avoid demands for payments in future.”
Rosso was responding to concerns on the cleaning and beautification of the city, saying that previously the council had engaged many people without proper contracs.
“I will not pay anyone I didn’t engage or who has no proper documentation. If the council hired them, they can see the council for payments,” Rosso said.
Some groups had volunteered to do cleaning work and that was coordinated through Rossoi’s office.
“I personally talked to council workers, labourers from parks and gardens who were getting paid for doing nothing for six years, not because they were lazy, but they have no resources and leadership,” Rosso said.