Land scarcity affecting schools


SCHOOLS in the National Capital District cannot expand their infrastructure because of land scarcity, according to assistant secretary for education in the National Capital District Sam Lora.
Lora told The National that more students were enrolling thus the need to build more classrooms.
But land availability in the city was the biggest problem.
Teachers are having to deal with 80 to 90 students in a classroom when the maximum number per class should be 35 to 40.
“We cannot tell the schools board and management to build infrastructure upwards because there is a certain limit for that,” he said.
“A number of schools have made their project proposals on how to address the overcrowding issue.”
He said elementary schools had bungalow-type buildings while primary schools were only allowed two-storey buildings.
“Most of the schools in NCD are surrounding by developments and for us to expand is quite difficult.”