Landowners petition parliamentary committee


PANGUNA Development Company Ltd (PDC) chairman Michael Pariu has presented a petition to Bougainville’s parliamentary committee on legislation as part of their public inquiry into proposed changes to the mining law.
Pariu presented the petition on April 17.
“We can advise the petition, which strongly opposes the proposed changes, was signed by more than 75 per cent of the 495 customary heads who have the sole authority to represent landowners within the Panguna mine tenement,” PDC said in a statement.
“The 347 customary head signatories to the petition, and a further 24, endorsed it after lodgment.
“They authorise PDC to act on our behalf in lodging their objection to the following amendments and bills: Bougainville Mining (Amendment) Bill 2019; Bougainville Advance Holdings Limited Authorisation Bill 2019; Bougainville Advance Holding Trust Authorisation Bill 2019.”
Pariu said the Panguna tenement contained 509 blocks and customary heads, who were previously validated by the Lands Title Commission, and accepted by all landowners to represent their interests.
“No other association or entity can represent block interests without the express permission of the customary heads,” he said.
“PDC believes the majority of the remaining 25 per cent of customary heads, who are aligned with the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association and not the PDC – also support the tenet of the submission.
“PDC acknowledge the role played by ex-combatants in ensuring Panguna landowners had control over their future and self-determination.”
The petition was evidence that they were exercising their rights.