Landowners score winning deal


Roku landowners in Central have signed a lease agreement with developer Evenell in the first agreement of its kind that can become a precedent for future developments.
Minister for Lands and Physical Planning Justin Tkatchenko officiated at the ceremony yesterday and said the agreement was an example of customary landowners working in partnership with private developers to give landowners full long-term benefit for their land.
“The wonderful thing about this is all the landowners are working with the investors in agreement with the terms and conditions so that they can see future benefits for their children and future generations,” he said.
“It’s a new model, a good one which we will develop for the landowners and developers to ensure it’s done correctly for a long-term gain.
“This is now a success story because the banks now accept the title that is being given.”
The chairman of Kuriu Integrated Land Group, Inogo Gabe, who is also principal landowner of Ohobaduduare land, said the customary landowners will now benefit as a result of the agreement.
“We are honoured to be involved in this pilot project, whereby our land is converted to state lease for private development purpose.
“We want to acknowledge the contribution for the developers working with our team of consultations.
“We consider ourselves as first customary landowners to be involved that this will ensure that we will still be collecting rentals through this arrangement.
“We want to thank Tkatchenko for having the landowners continue to take part in the development of our land.”
Tkatchenko said the customary land will have 99-year lease titles for the different portions that are being developed.
“It’s been a long drawn-out process which has enabled the customary land to be accepted by the banks so the investors can develop it,” he said.
“Developers Evenells have been in PNG for a long time and worked closely with the landowners to develop trust, dignity and honour, and that’s what we want to do with the rest of our landowners in the country.”