Last call to stop sellers

National, Normal

The National, Friday February 7th, 2014

 POLICE in the National Capital District have drawn up a programme to ensure that the illegal selling of betel nut in Port Moresby is stopped.

NCD Chief of police operations Chief Inspector Perou N’Dranou issued the warning on Tuesday at a press conference hosted by NCD Governor Powes Parkop.

“All illegal selling of betel nuts in and around the city will be confiscated and destroyed by the police,” he said.

“I warn people with makeshift betel nuts markets at Waigani, Six-Mile, Tokarara, Hohola, Manu, Gerehu and other suburbs to stop it and follow the rules.

“Police will be out in full force to assist the NCDC Enforcement Unit to make sure the continuous defying of the ban will be severely dealt with. Charges and infringement notices will be issued to perpetrators.”

Deputy city manager, Honk Kiap warned offenders that they would be arrested.

“As of today, not only betel nuts will be confiscated but people will be arrested and charged,” he said. 

“Failure to pay fines will result in them being locked up at a facility at the Tapo Depot in Four-Mile.

“Vehicle owners caught smuggling betel nut will also be issued infringement notices to pay K1,000, the driver K500 and the betel nuts smuggler K300.

Parkop urged sellers to go to Ruborugo and Laloki.

“You will make a great loss if you bring your betel nut into the city. No one will buy your betel nuts because police will be everywhere patrolling the city,” Parkop said.