Lay off those appointed by MPs


THE national general elections are just around the corner and something needs to be done about public servants who were appointed by politicians to be heads of departments in respective districts.
They should not be allowed to take part in conducting elections.
A lot of them are not qualified to hold positions in public offices.
They were appointed just because of their connections to MPs.
Some of them forget the Public Service Commission’s oath of serving the people when they take up their post.
I appeal to intending candidates to identify these public servants in their respective districts and provinces and give their names to the appropriate authorities to stop them from taking part in the upcoming elections.
The best way would be to seek legal clarification before taking such action.
Believe me, they will do everything for the MPs who appointed them so that they can continue enjoying the privileges of being in the public service.
I think the Public Service Commission should identify them and lay them off before next year’s elections.
They are a cause of the decay in public service standards.

Digov Nada
Bogia station