Leaders are wrong to restrict DSIP funds

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday February 11th, 2014

 IN the short history of this young nation since independence, no government  has ever held the people at ransom by restricting their DSIP funds but this  government which proclaims to be the people’s government is the first to hold  back  the  people’s  money and keep them suffering from having basic services.

How can the prime minister and government claim  to  be delivering to the nation when six districts are still missing out to receive their DSIP money? 

This  is  a  great  insult  to  the  innocent people who did nothing to deserve such treatment. 

What did the people do to deserve such treatment? 

Every opposition member or even a member on the government side has the right to speak against any decision of the government  he  is part of which he may feel is not right or in the best interest of the people. 

Such action is only killing the democratic spirit of our nation. 

And to pass all unnecessary amendments so far and now restricting this DSIP funds for the six districts is an abuse of power to the nation and the people.

This  is a dangerous path it has taken and the prime minister must be careful as such action will set a bad precedent for our future. 

We  have  been  complaining  too much about past governments being  corrupt but I see all past governments are  much better than this  one  which is the first and worst dictatorial-like government  that only cares about itself.

All MPs in this government have also become rubber stamps  regardless of what good things they  have  achieved.

I  see  them   all   as weak leaders and unable to take up the challenge to see how the opposition MPs can do with their funds .


Douglas Gilichibi

Port Moresby