Learn from mistakes


BEING a failure is the residue of your mistakes.
If you failed your examination or score low marks to continue school, I urge you not to feel demoralised.
That is the end result of your investment of time and effort in preparation for your examinations.
You cannot blame anyone but yourself.
However, the results are not the reflection of what you will score in your next examination.
You can do better next time to prove the system wrong.
People failed in life but they learn from that experience and move on.
Therefore, you are one among millions who have gained this tag as a school dropout.
But that does not mean you are out yet.
Follow these theory to be successful again;

  • TAKE time alone and list all the contributing factors in your academic failure;
  • UPGRADE your marks;
  • STUDY all your school notes while you are at home;
  • AVOID peer influences and bad company;
  • SET your goals;
  • RESTRUCTURE your study habits; and,
  • TELL yourself I’m not that dumb to be kicked out by PNG education system.

You are not dumb if you have passed previous examinations.
Some of you must have scored good grades in the classrooms but the education system has failed you.
The education system has a bottle neck structure which has a record of trimming off potential elites of PNG.
However, you and I do not have the power to restructure this system, unless the Government increases its capacities for tertiary institutions.
The system was created for tough ones to pursue through the academic arena and be the brainy in our country.
You may feel betrayed because of the new selection systems and the conduct of examination.
Don’t let such feeling drag you down.
You are born for a purpose and you will fulfil that purpose.
Keep your heads high and try other options because you are a Kumul representing PNG.

Gibson Lambea Mai,
Ialibu-Pangia Electrate