Legal action on Pandemic Act hailed


THE Opposition Leader’s determination to get a legal interpretation at the Supreme Court on the laws passed by Parliament with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic is good for the people.
Leaders are voted into Parliament by people and any law passed by Parliament should be for the good of everyone.
The Covid-19 pandemic is a global issue and it is here to stay and the only way to flatten the curve is if everyone follows health protocols established.
Any law that is passed in the National Parliament is for the good of the 7-8 million people and, therefore, it has to go through a quality check – the National and Supreme Courts for interpretation.
Most of the people in the country don’t understand the laws passed in Parliament in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic and such a move by the opposition leader will be a learning experience for everyone.
As leaders, whether in Government or with the Opposition, one should not become “Mr Yes Man” and should exercise their rights to ensure everyone knows about these laws.
Great initiative Opposition Leader!

Jack Kukiwa,

One thought on “Legal action on Pandemic Act hailed

  • Pathetic Power Hungry Politicians fighting for Greed and power-not to benefit people.
    PNG mipla stap lo stron blo mipla yet!!!!!!

    Lets fight CORRUPTION instead of questioning some minor act!

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