Let’s reflect on society: Ribat

Faith, Normal


PORT Moresby diocese Archbishop John Ribat said the recent shooting and wounding of Chief Ombudsman Chronox Manek must not be taken lightly as it tells us that our society is sick.
Archbishop Ribat in his Christmas message said the attack speaks of high level of corruption that is happening in Government departments.
“This indicates that some people are acting in this manner to protect themselves,” he said, adding that this growing attitude was slowly eroding away the value of respect for life and support for good work that will bring back justice and integrity to its right place.
Archbishop Ribat, when recalling the events of the year, said many things had happened both good and those things also that continue to call for attention and improvement.
He said the economy was looking brighter with benefits for the country with the LNG project but while the project promises greater benefits for all, the people will need a lot of help to guide them live their lives meaningfully, respecting each other and properties and positively building their lives.
He said the country did well to join the world in celebrating the World AIDS Day.
“Those who are infected by the virus through sexual contact are our friends, relatives and family members, we have to accept the fact that they are here to stay and learn to live with them, love them and show them our care,” he added.
He said the increasing trend of children infection through sexual abuse in homes was a cause of concern because at this stage they were not able to provide or protect themselves and called on parents and relatives to give to the children the respect they deserved.
Archbishop Ribat also commented on the health of the nation and especially on cholera and the shortage of drug to treat the disease.
“Of course our health is an expensive exercise to maintain but it must be noted that the Government has an important responsibility to ensure that her citizens are well cared for,” he said adding that those who are responsible to make sure that the necessary drugs are available, must do their work with love and concern for the people.