Let’s teach our children skills needed for future

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday July 21st, 2014

 I SUPPORT PNG Patriot. 

Since year 1975 till now year 2014, PNG will be turning 39 years old and we need to be real matured grown up in decision making. 

We got to look at alternatives ways to make income of this nation and not too much spending in waste. 

We must spend on things we know that it will be a benefit of our beautiful nation. 

Try spend more on building country’s human resource in technical vocational education. 

It will be an exercise to sustain our human resource in building this nation in a matured direction. 

Young generation needs to know the skills and talent in plumbing, welding, mechanic, machinist and carpentry.

Developing starts within an individual, once he is equip with the technical knowledge he/she has then the nation will be develop from the human resource it has. 

Why not we start now and see the outcome tomorrow!


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