Letter in Briefs


Thank you BSP: RAPE regardless of age seem to be occurring almost every day throughout the nation both in urban and rural settings.
Our government should look at repealing the criminal code act especially with rape cases
to impose tougher penalties on convicted rapists who have lost their mind and integrity as
human beings have no respect for the female populace in our country.
This culprits should be given life sentence as a deterrent to those who intend to commit such crime and must be classified as felon.
It’s sickening to read every day about minors, 3 -5 year-olds being raped by bubus (grandparents) and uncles is a symptom of sick society so the onus is on our leaders to look into this inhuman act.
Kotiufa Sniper, GKA

Kaupa challenged: Our MP, John Kapua Moresby North-East Electorate has gone into hibernation since wining 2017 election. The 8-Mile road from Mobil Service Station to 1st, 2nd and Last Block has deteriorated. I wonder if MP John Kaupa is aware of this or not. If not, I urge you to drive through 8-Mile and see what I am referring too. Those of us with small cars are becoming victim because of the state of the road condition. Please do something about the road condition.
8-Mile Resident, POM

Morobe govt: Morobe people spoke it out through ballot paper that they don’t want the Current Government.
But blindly the MPs followed their ring leader Sam Basil to join the current Government which they supposed to be at the opposition bench to oppose the current government like what Madang MP and opposition straight shooter Bryan Kramer has done.
Now Sam Basil left them stranded and go ahead to form a new party called Our Party.
The vote of no confidence is around the corner the choice is on the MPs hand whether to listen to your voters or not.
But remember what you going to tell your voters when it comes
Simbu Stone Head