Letters in brief


Aust relationship:
The Australian government’s current Pacific pivot is not out of altruistic concern for development of the Pacific island countries and their people. It’s doing what is politically expedient and in its own national interest in light of the dramatic inroad China has made in recent times in what Australia regarded as its own neo-colonial regional backyard. Playing politics is what Australia has been doing in the region through cheque book diplomacy. Australia’s off-shore refugee camps in Manus Island and Nauru is evidence of that.

Rajend Naidu

UOG issue:
The University of Goroka is operating without any corporate and strategic management plans. Since 2016, the university is operating without any vision. This simply means that there are no corporate and strategic plans to bring the university forward. It was three wasted years preaching on quality academic outputs without the said plans to boost academic activities. All the fancy ideas of building medical school at UoG and expanding some of the academic programmes to other centers of PNG should be directed by these important plans.


Taking back PNG:
I share my conviction that taking back Papua New Guinea starts with right minded leaders at all levels of government who have silently demonstrated the notion of putting the interest of the country first before their own. I have seen only a few with those traits and I hope such people are given the opportunity again to do the right thing for Papua New Guinea.
