Letters in brief


Alotau fare:
Alotau fare: The Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC) should look into the bus fares that Land Transport is setting in Alotau? The run from Hagita Estate to Alotau is the same as the run from Gerehu to 4-Mile, in Port Moresby, but in Alotau we pay K4.70 and in Port Moresby K1. Is this fare justified or are we paying too much?


Sorcery killings:
The Government should establish a law that can guide the decision-making in cases related to sorcery. It is sad to see innocent people accused of sorcery and then abused, tortured, burnt and killed by community vigilante groups. Some of these victims are stripped naked in public and beaten to death, while others are burnt down in their homes in the village just because they are accused for being responsible for the death of a relative or loved one. While many people in PNG believe in sanguma, that belief alone should not give anyone the right to take the law into his or her own hands. If someone has died and there is question on the cause of death, then the relatives should ask for a post-mortem to get to the bottom of the matter.

Mei mei, Anti-Sanguma