Locals in Pomio call for downstream processing training


There is a need for training on downstream processing on cash and food crops being planted in Ivon-Gore, Arabam, Maranagi, Rigel and Rieit-Dadul wards in the Sinivit local level government of Pomio, East New Britain (ENB).
This was revealed by ENB division of primary industry officer based at the Arabam station Lynette Samuel.
Samuel told The National that there was a need for training on downstream processing in those wards, especially at Arabam, Maranagi and Rigel, which were cut off from the road access. She said due to a lack of proper roads and bridges between the Baining villages, many farmers had abandoned their coffee and cocoa blocks.
Samuel said coffee and cocoa were previously the two main commodities in the four wards.
She said families looked at other ways to earned income planting peanuts and selling them in bags.
Samuel said that it was easier for the locals to transport peanut bags, packed in 50kg stock feed bags which each family earn K300 to K400 from the sales.