Firms identify ways to avoid cyber attacks


SOME companies have identified ways for employees to work from home as regards to cyber-security and information technology risks.
Deloitte PNG IT specialist Cimas Alberto said the companies had engaged Deloitte recently to perform independent cyber-security reviews.
“We get many questions about working from home from big and small companies,” Alberto said.
He said the problem of using company laptops and mobile phones while working from home was not only limited to hacking attacks.
“A pick-pocketer can steal your phone or laptop and as a result, you can lose personal or confidential data,” he said.
“What if that is a company-issued laptop?
“The pick-pocketer will have access to company data.
“That can have very serious consequences,
“Also, if you work from home, how do you ensure that your computers, laptops and other devices are updated against the latest cyber-threats?
“Who updates your anti-virus software?
“That is usually a task performed by IT in any company.
“But now that people work from home, who is doing that?
“Having an updated system is key in the defence against cyber-security attacks.
“We are living in an interesting and constantly-changing times in the cybersecurity arena,” Alberto said.