Long live Mother Church and its doctrines

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday December 30th, 2015

 IT is with great interest that I read and can’t quiet grasp what Concerned Christian is addressing in Dec 24 in the letters section. Is he arguing the points raised by James Wanjik in Dec 22 on the biblical foundations of Hail Mary prayer or is he introducing another new issue of interest on the Omnipresence of the Trinity?

The two points that Wanjik touched and I find no lie in them as claimed by Concerned Christian are: Mary being the Mother of God Son, second person in the trinity  and Gospel of Luke1:39-45 which has biblical reference to Hail Mary Prayer and Mary being the Mother of God.

While I agree with you Concerned Christian on the Omnipresence of God, where in which Mary cannot be placed in equal with God as she is only a created creature of God himself. However, as to the issues of Mary being the Mother of God and Hail Mary prayer has its biblical foundation in Lk1:39-45.

Since Mary is Jesus’ Mother, it is also fair to conclude that she is also Mother of God. She carried in her womb Jesus Christ both divine and human in nature. To assert that Mary was not the Mother of God, would also mean that Mary only carried in her womb Christ’s human nature which is already Nestorianism, a heresy of the fifth century. For the question of Jesus choosing another woman to give birth to Him is not possible for the reason, that God does not make a mistake in creating each person a unique being for His divine calling. Mary was uniquely created by God for this purpose, to give birth to His Son.

Catholic Church does not in any way push Mary to a deity status. Nor does she teach to worship Mary as worship or adoration is for God alone. We only honor her.

Catholics only pray to Mary for her intercessions whether it is saying Rosary (Hail May Prayer) or any other prayers devoted to Mary. It is the same as anyone would ask others to pray for them. Mary is blessed and was chosen Mother of God. Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding at Canna at the request of Mary. She is seen as our Mother in Heaven there to intercede for us to get closer to her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

So Concerned Christian and any other proponents of the Mother Church, if you sight errors in her faith and traditions or in her teachings and doctrines, I would suggest you keep praying to God just as other proponents before you did. 

Long live the Mother Church with her faith , traditions and doctrines. 

Patrick Enda

Port Moresby