Looking after infrastructures


IT is challenging when dealing with human beings and their attitude in terms of looking after basic infrastructures in PNG.
What I want to bring across to the attention of our good Government is the fact of distorted development.
It is the development gap between the economic and the social status of our country.
The economy is at some 100 per cent while social is at 50 per cent
The 50 per cent gap creates space for crime, poverty, unemployment, high mortality rate and the list goes on. The challenge now is for Government to tap the untapped to make up for this gap.
I suggest all issues must be addressed right down to family level and not to national level because family is the base of any given society in the world.
We need to employ a new model for our country that can capture all issues, including economic and social, with people being in the centre of it and not at the bottom.

Japhet Ansep
Politics and Public Policy