Man arrested for illegally buying sea cucumber


A VILLAGER from Uritai in Malalaua, Gulf has been arrested by police for buying sea cucumber.
Deputy director of Water Police Chief Inspector Christopher Smith said the man, 33, was caught with six kilograms of sea cucumber which he had bought from Porebada villagers.
Smith said the villagers tipped off police of what the man was doing.
The man had no licence and was illegally buying sea cucumber from the villagers and selling it to Chinese restaurants in Port Moresby.
Smith said the man was a repeat offender. On March 15, the district court issued a warrant of arrest for him for being in possession of 99kg sea cucumber.
“Water police stopped a bus after receiving information that a suspect purchasing sea cucumber was on board.
They got him with all the sea cucumber that he has being buying.
“We detained him, interrogated him and the National Fisheries Authorities came and took him away because NFA fine is K10,000 for illegal buying and selling of sea cucumber,” he said.