Man killed in fight over Origin


National Capital District police have reported the death of a man from Chimbu at Vadavada in Port Moresby after the State of Origin game last week.
Met Supt Perou N’dranou said the incident was between New South Wales and Queensland fans.
The deceased, from Chuave, Chimbu, was attacked by three suspects at around 2am on Thursday. N’dranou said the victim was stabbed several times.
He said the relatives of the deceased retaliated, injuring one of the suspects from Goilala who was hospitalised.
He said the other two suspects, one from Goilala and the other from Gulf, escaped.
In another Origin related incident, N’dranou said after the game on Wednesday, along Koura Way (freeway between Tokarara and Hanuabada), there was a fight between a group of people.
Among them was a police officer, who was attacked.
The officer suffered serious injuries and is recovering in hospital.
N’dranou said three suspects from Tari, Hela, were arrested for the assault of the officer.
He said there were other minor incidents from State of Origin night those had been resolved by the communities themselves.
N’dranou called on the public to watch the State of Origin games in peace and not to get emotional when supporting.
He said nothing would be gained from fighting over the game as it would only bring problems.
“I am only asking the public to respect life and behave in a best manner rather than taking it to the extreme and killing each other because of a game,” he said.
“It’s a long way away from here and you gain nothing from it.”
N’dranou said police would continue to be vigilant over the rest of the series with the second game on June 23 and game three on July 10.