Office breaks ground for staff housing project


LAWYERS from the Public Solicitor’s Office in Port Moresby will have access to better housing following the ground-breaking ceremony of its K1.5 million housing project last Friday.
Public Solicitor Leslie Mamu said the double duplex housing project would address one of its important pillars which was to look after its staff.
“Housing is an important aspect of employment in the city and most of the employees reside in the settlements and come to work,” Mamu said.
Mamu said public servants, including the lawyers, were in big demand by the Government but accommodation needed to be provided for workers wherever possible.
“We believe in the administration and management of our staff. The welfare of lawyers and staff is very important to address before we ask them for more productivity,” Mamu said.
“Today marks an historic event and we are demonstrating to the government and to other institutions that we must rise equally in catering for public servants by providing housing.”
K10 million in funding for the project was made available by the Government through the Department of National Planning and Monitoring.
Yuan Fang Architectural Decoration Group (PNG) (YFIG) Ltd will build the houses, which will cater for four lawyers from the Public Solicitors office, at the Kennedy Estate at 8-Mile.
Mamu said there was separate funding and plans for their provincial branches.