Measures to protect security scanner operators

Letters, Normal

The National, Tuesday 21st August, 2012

APPROPRIATE protective ap­parel must be provided for personnel operating airport security screening X-ray machines.
Radiation is present when X-rays are used.
Exposure to ionising radiation is known to cause harmful effects to the human body, with concerns relating to possible contraction of cataracts to cancer.
Security screenings at airports have been common practice for years.
The latest technologies used are whole-body imaging ma­chines.
While any exposure to ionising radiation could potentially in­crease the risk of cancer, it is very small as the radiation is in the form of low energy X-rays.
Considering the low radiation doses delivered by these ma­chines, the resultant increase of skin cancer cases from the use of airport security scanners is extremely low.
However, operators of such ma­chines must be protected ap­propriately in accordance to international radiation safety guidelines.
Employers should ensure that employees wear radiation monitoring devices such as a thermoluminescent dosemeter (TLD) badge, ensure that they are shielded from exposure or perhaps reduce the amount of time they spend at the scanners.
These steps will minimise the risks associated with operating airport security scanners.

Matthew Soma Mongolap
Via email